Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jesus in the Villages and ...STARBUCKS

Kato Vicent and Wasswa Ben are officially enrolled at New Life Boarding school! And night guard Lawrence's youngest son Zion will God-willing be enrolled as of this coming Monday. Praise God for provision and hearts for Uganda :)

We met a young Ugandan man named Geoffrey a couple weeks ago, who approached us on Hill Rd. while on our walk home, and began speaking to us quite passionately about Jesus. Throughout this short intro-conversation Naka (Stacie) and MuMu(AmyRose) learned that Geoffrey is a Mormon. As it was becoming dark and JjaJja begins to worry if we are out past dark, we explained to Geoffrey that we must be getting home, but would love to meet up some time within the next week to discuss Scriptures. Naka and MuMu were able to meet with Geoff in the Entebbe Children's park this past Thursday and had quite the interesting, two-hour conversation about the Bible compared to the book of Mormon. Geoffrey was actually incredibly knowledgable about the Bible--probably more so than any Christian we have met. However, many of the things he said did NOT in fact, line up with Scripture as he claimed, but were actually misinterpretations of the Scripture. All in all it was quite an enlightening experience--overwhelming, because we felt a bit unlearned in the ways of the Bible--but enlightening all the same. We have scheduled to meet with Geoff on Mondays at 3pm, so please be praying that conversations will continue to be blessed and the Truth will be made known to all who are present.

Friday was a fun-filled day...we were able to have lunch at an Indian restaraunt in town with our new b.f.f.'s--Kelsey and Travis Harris (whom we met at John's shop at Upland) and from there we met up with Irish James. James is a professional golfer from Ireland, who has come to Uganda for four months and has been ministering to Ugandan golfers as well as doing some street evangelism. Nak, Mu, Ivan, James and Tom (Ugandan preacher/soldier) went throughout the villages of Chitoro speaking to various villagers--boda drivers, street vendors, and random women and children. The experience was quite unique as neither one of us had ever done such ministry, but it was neat to especially watch James witness to the villagers, as he has such knowledge and understanding of the Bible. He was able to share the gospel with a Muslim Boda driver, who was actually quite receptive, and said to us that although he could not 'change [his] religion' right away b/c he didn't know much about Christianity, he promised to study the Bible if we get him one that is Lugandan. Nak was able to lead a villager woman to Christ through the gospel and prayer.

Today was a day spent with the German girls we met a few weeks ago, and a night spent with AMAZING company.....We have become good friends with Kelsie and Travis Harris, who are missionaries from Georgia; Travis is a pilot and Kelsie teaches ballet to young girls in the area. We made homemade pizza and met some other missionary pilots who also came over for pizza night. And, Kelsie was gracious enough to let us use their computer (which i am currently typing on) to upload.......... pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have felt beyond blessed getting to know this wonderful couple.

Tomorrow is church at KPC which we are quite looking forward to, as well as running several errands while in Kampala. Keep following and commenting, we love to hear from you and appreciate your prayers and support!!!!

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