Saturday, March 7, 2009
A day with the Abba Kids!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Worms, Wardens, and homeless!! Oh my...
Well here we are...reporting to you from the internet cafe!! Tomorrow will be our two-month and we can hardly believe that two months has already passed us by!! Even though we miss you all very much, we are still dreading the day we have to leave Uganda...
Over the last few days, we have experienced quite a few "mishaps" which when you are in Uganda, you just have to learn to suck it up and realize you are bound to come across the unexpected. Among the MANY mishaps we have encountered, we will elaborate on just a few (We don't want to worry anyone by telling all, we will just wait until we return safely to the states safely to share the rest :-) )
Mishap #1 If you swallow water in Uganda, you are bound to get a parasite. Who would have guessed??
Okay so far, health concerned, we have remained fairly well for the most part besides the massive ring-worm outbreaks and salmonilla poisoning. Over the last week or two Naka (Stacie) has been experiencing a major depletion of hunger. She has been feeling completely stuffed, going days without eating. Mumu (AmyRose) on the other hand has been eating her helping, Naka's helping, and the childrens food. She is still feeling hungry after eating multiple plates of food. We have come to the conclusion that we both have different types of a worm and will soon be getting it fixed. Someone should seriously look into what types of worms they have so they can get it taken care of STAT!!!
Mishap #2 The Warden did What??
We are really excited about ministering at the Naguru Children's Remand home. The last time we were there we were told to come back in the morning someday during the week to try and get put on there weekly program because the warden is only there Mon-Fri. We are living in Entebbe and the Remand home is in Kampala...It is only about a 45 mile distance, but when you are traveling by taxi----- which we have elaborated what a taxi is like in earlier blogs but to give you an idea it is an average sized mini-van that CLEARLY says on the outside of the van "liscenced to carry 14 passengers" but we never have less than 19...It stops every few feet to let people on and off...people in Uganda don't like to walk anywhere so even if they are just going down the street, they will hop on the taxi to catch a ride :-) ---- which is the public way we have to get around, you have to estimate four hours of traveling time and then be prepared for the taxi to break down at some point, or stop to get new tires put on, or run out of gas and stall on the side of the road for two hours while the "Taxi Conductor" leaves the taxi unattended to find gas... So once we made our venture to Kampala and found the Remand Home by early morning, we were told that the warden had just left for the day ten minutes before we got there. It was only ten in the morning and we could not believe our ears that after coming all that way, he was not even around...Then we remembered, "Suck it up." We made sure that we got his contact this time and will be updating on how that goes.
Mishap #3 Almost Getting The Boot into Homelessness...
So I don't think we have really shared what has been going on with the house we are living in. For those of you that don't know, we have had some pretty awful experiences with the woman we have been living with. She is an elderly woman and is used to living alone. Completely understandable. But it is getting to the point that she attempts to kick us out of her house on a daily basis and we have seen that it is hurting both our ministry and hers as well. So a couple mornings ago, she told us that she is for sure going to need us to leave as soon as possible and that she is sure God will provide. We didnt at all see that this was safe considering we are two young white girls roaming the streets of Uganda and now not having a place to live, we knew we were in trouble. That morning we were both just like, "Look, God, if you want us to move we have got to be provided soon with somewhere that is going to accomodate us safely and allow a smooth and easy transition into a new home." He silently replied, "Be Patient." That night, we were invited to a missionary family who are here under IMB-International Mission Board- for American style tacos!! Upon our arrival they told us they might have a proposition for us and to not be pressured to say yes. They told us they were going out of the country for a month and needed someone to stay at the house to keep an eye on things. Both Naka and Mumu started crying and thanking God for the wonderful way God always takes care of His children!! We told them about the situation we were having and they said,"Why wait until we leave??!! You should move in tomorrow!!" We are going to try and tough it out as long as April 7th and then be moving into our lovely new home and family, The Peases!!
We have seen God doing incredible things here in Uganda in spite of what the enemy tries, daily, to throw at us. We are comforted knowing that satan wouldn't be trying so hard if we weren't doing what we are supposed to be doing for God. We are making him tremble and working extra hard at getting us sidetracked, attempting to get us discouraged, hoping we will fail. But God is sooooo faithful and is always protecting and covering his daughters in hope and love and we cannot wait to see what God is about to do through is!! We miss everyone of you so very much and love the prayers, comments, and support!!
Over the last few days, we have experienced quite a few "mishaps" which when you are in Uganda, you just have to learn to suck it up and realize you are bound to come across the unexpected. Among the MANY mishaps we have encountered, we will elaborate on just a few (We don't want to worry anyone by telling all, we will just wait until we return safely to the states safely to share the rest :-) )
Mishap #1 If you swallow water in Uganda, you are bound to get a parasite. Who would have guessed??
Okay so far, health concerned, we have remained fairly well for the most part besides the massive ring-worm outbreaks and salmonilla poisoning. Over the last week or two Naka (Stacie) has been experiencing a major depletion of hunger. She has been feeling completely stuffed, going days without eating. Mumu (AmyRose) on the other hand has been eating her helping, Naka's helping, and the childrens food. She is still feeling hungry after eating multiple plates of food. We have come to the conclusion that we both have different types of a worm and will soon be getting it fixed. Someone should seriously look into what types of worms they have so they can get it taken care of STAT!!!
Mishap #2 The Warden did What??
We are really excited about ministering at the Naguru Children's Remand home. The last time we were there we were told to come back in the morning someday during the week to try and get put on there weekly program because the warden is only there Mon-Fri. We are living in Entebbe and the Remand home is in Kampala...It is only about a 45 mile distance, but when you are traveling by taxi----- which we have elaborated what a taxi is like in earlier blogs but to give you an idea it is an average sized mini-van that CLEARLY says on the outside of the van "liscenced to carry 14 passengers" but we never have less than 19...It stops every few feet to let people on and off...people in Uganda don't like to walk anywhere so even if they are just going down the street, they will hop on the taxi to catch a ride :-) ---- which is the public way we have to get around, you have to estimate four hours of traveling time and then be prepared for the taxi to break down at some point, or stop to get new tires put on, or run out of gas and stall on the side of the road for two hours while the "Taxi Conductor" leaves the taxi unattended to find gas... So once we made our venture to Kampala and found the Remand Home by early morning, we were told that the warden had just left for the day ten minutes before we got there. It was only ten in the morning and we could not believe our ears that after coming all that way, he was not even around...Then we remembered, "Suck it up." We made sure that we got his contact this time and will be updating on how that goes.
Mishap #3 Almost Getting The Boot into Homelessness...
So I don't think we have really shared what has been going on with the house we are living in. For those of you that don't know, we have had some pretty awful experiences with the woman we have been living with. She is an elderly woman and is used to living alone. Completely understandable. But it is getting to the point that she attempts to kick us out of her house on a daily basis and we have seen that it is hurting both our ministry and hers as well. So a couple mornings ago, she told us that she is for sure going to need us to leave as soon as possible and that she is sure God will provide. We didnt at all see that this was safe considering we are two young white girls roaming the streets of Uganda and now not having a place to live, we knew we were in trouble. That morning we were both just like, "Look, God, if you want us to move we have got to be provided soon with somewhere that is going to accomodate us safely and allow a smooth and easy transition into a new home." He silently replied, "Be Patient." That night, we were invited to a missionary family who are here under IMB-International Mission Board- for American style tacos!! Upon our arrival they told us they might have a proposition for us and to not be pressured to say yes. They told us they were going out of the country for a month and needed someone to stay at the house to keep an eye on things. Both Naka and Mumu started crying and thanking God for the wonderful way God always takes care of His children!! We told them about the situation we were having and they said,"Why wait until we leave??!! You should move in tomorrow!!" We are going to try and tough it out as long as April 7th and then be moving into our lovely new home and family, The Peases!!
We have seen God doing incredible things here in Uganda in spite of what the enemy tries, daily, to throw at us. We are comforted knowing that satan wouldn't be trying so hard if we weren't doing what we are supposed to be doing for God. We are making him tremble and working extra hard at getting us sidetracked, attempting to get us discouraged, hoping we will fail. But God is sooooo faithful and is always protecting and covering his daughters in hope and love and we cannot wait to see what God is about to do through is!! We miss everyone of you so very much and love the prayers, comments, and support!!
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