Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cut a the Knots

So if you've read our most recent entry you know our weekend trip to Jinja ended up only lasting one ridiculously long, rainy, confusing, but all-around blessed day. Because we made it back to Entebbe early, we enjoyed an empty house all weekend. We LOVE JjaJja Alma and do miss her....BUT we both thoroughly enjoyed our Saturday night "Slumber Party" complete with endless American junk food such a oreos (found during gas-station stopover while riding taxi fom kampala), homemade salsa, tootsie roll pops, get the point. Lots of eating. Not because we were hungry, necessarily, but b/c it was a slumber party, and that's what you do.

Eventually we moved to what is affectionately called 'the back room' where we usually go to be alone with God. Our mini-worship service led by starving-wanna-be-musician AmyRose was enjoyable but shortlived, as we decided to work on Stacie's hair.

In a fetal attempt to make our hair 'African' as well as more easily kept, as we would not be washing it--we had our hair braided/plaited. You know the story. There was an entire blog about it :) Well AmyRose's braids/twisties have been out for a week or so now, but Stacie's have been a work in progress. At one point the front of her head was tiny-crimped and bright blonde, some of her hair was straight and blonde from being washed, and the great majority of the rest was black/blonde and braided. Quite a sight.

AmyRose became quite frustrated during the unbraiding/heart2heart session, and quickly pulled out her pocket-knife to begin cutting off the knots, which CLEARLY did not have any of Stacie's "real" hair in them.

Stacie: "MuMu. Make sure you cut at the knots!! Actually, I think my real hair is in the knots. You better not be cuttin my real hair."
AmyRose: "I am not cutting your real hair. Girl please."

Upon further examination, it has been determined AmyRose did, in fact, cut off Stacie's very real and not weave HAIR. Not to mention, both Stacie and AmyRose have been losing literally handfuls of their real hair at a time, every time it is washed or touched or looked at---due to the strenuous conditions of the african braiding.

sigh* beauty is pain.

Tomorrow morning we are meeting with a lawyer to discuss getting the paperwork for a couple Mercy Home children to be transferred to Abba House. We will also be traveling, via a 7hr. boat ride, to the Kwony Islands in order to visit aforementioned Mercy Home Children's home. We will be traveling with a recent Mercy Home boy, American-Devon, and Right-hand-man Ivan. Please pray for a profitable meeting with lawyer and safe journey to the Islands!!


Jason and Jenn Byers said...

I miss you guys! Sounds like you're having a blast! :)

zach caddy said...

wanna be nothing!