Friday, January 16, 2009

Worst Day ever in Uganda

So after today, we litterally wanted to pull our hair out.

Okay so the reason for this terrible attitude is we got our hair braided today. We sat through 12 hours of intense braiding and weaving only to find that it is not finished and we have to go through 6 more hours the next day. What we thought was only going to take about 6-8 hours is now taking almost twenty!! :-)

Stacie got hers braided in tiny braids which was not very painful because they are braids. She sat listening to nothing but the hair stylists speaking in Lugandan, not having anything to eat so she was starving, from 8 in the morning until 7 at night....just sitting. Then the stylist had her tilt her head back the opposite direction it is supposed to go so for 45 MINUTES!!! Just so that she could get the top part finished. Joan, I am sooooo sorry for what you have to go through. I will never sit through that again.

AmyRose on the other hand, sat from 9 in the morning until 9 in the evening, getting her hair twisted. It was super painful because they only twist seven strands of hair in with the weave and so basically it feels like you are getting all of your hairs plucked from your scalp. Then around lunch time they offer food which was amazing since the granola bar she packed with her got forcefully shared with everyone else in the room once she busted it out. So she looked at what it was and was so thankful. Pork. She popped it in her mouth and realized the texture was awfully chewy and tough. Oh it was not pork, but Cow intestine. She kept praying, Lord do not let me gag.

The hardest part about the whole situation is that we were not able to be together. We had to be in different salons so we had no idea what the other person was doing or how each other were feeling. Since we have been here, we have had it pretty good so far. Everything has worked out well and and we have had really good food and have been living well. After discussing how terrible it was today we realized that we are not always going to have it good...which is good because we learn the most in difficult situations and if sitting through hours of getting our hair...then I think we are going to survive!!


joan provider said...

lol...:) i know what you girls are going through with your hair it is very painful and too many hours of sitting makes it worse for your bottom haha:)

DeeDee Lee said...

Probably one of the many reasons why white girls don't often get their hair braided!

I have learned to endure the hours, by reading and bringing a bag full of snacks! And having had my hair braided since I was a child. Amyrose you knew you should have consulted me before proceding ;)